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Project supported by the Program of Outstanding Innovation Team of Hubei Normal University, China (Grant No. T201502), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (Grant Nos. 2014CFB349 and 2016CFC742), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11674355).
The twisted intramolecular charge transfer and the excited state relaxation of 1-aminoanthraquinone (1-NH2-AQ) in different solvents are investigated using quantum chemical calculations in this paper. The geometries of the ground state are optimized both in gas and solvents based on the high-level ab initio calculations, the lowest excited singlet state geometry is optimized only in gas for simplicity. An intramolecular charge transfer property is substantiated by the large change of dipole moments between the S0 and S1 states. The mechanism of twisted intramolecular charge transfer is proposed by the conformational relaxation on the potential surface of the S1 state. Quantum chemical calculations present that internal conversion and intersystem crossing are important approaches to the ultrafast deactivation of the S1 state via the twisting of the amino group. The smaller energy difference between the S0 and S1 state shows that the internal conversion process is much faster in a polar solvent than in a nonpolar solvent. Energy intersections between the T2 and S1 state in cyclohexane and dioxane indicate a faster intersystem crossing process in them than in ethanol. These theoretical results agree well with the previous experimental results. Energy barriers are predicted on the potential surface of the S1 state, and they have a positive correlation to solvent viscosity, and the timescale of twisted intra-molecular charge transfer in dioxane is predicted to be longer than in cyclohexane and ethanol.
Anthraquinones derivatives have widely been used in the dye industry, biological research, pharmacy, and medicine in the last few decades for their photosensitization and anticancer ability.[1–3] Amino-substituted anthraquinones are used to composite porphyrin-anthraquinone hybrids, which are efficient photocleavage agents of DNA.[4–7] The key to efficient photocleavage is the charge transfer efficiency.[8–13] The –NH2 and –NO2 groups play a role in a strong electronic donor and acceptor in intramolecular charge transfer, respectively. When an –NH2 and/or –NO2 group is directly bonded to a polycyclic aromatic system, the photophysics and photochemistry of the molecule are drastically changed by this substituent. Molecular systems with –NH2 and/or –NO2 group are of great interest and widely studied for their charge transfer character.[14–18] The intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) of compounds containing the –NH2 group, 4-dimethylaminobenzonitrile (DMABN) and related molecules, are widely studied by experiments as well as quantum calculations.[19–24] The dual fluorescence of DMABN in polar solvents is observed and explained as an intramolecular charge transfer phenomenon.[19] It consists of emissions from a local excited (LE) and ICT states.[25] Several models of the reaction were proposed to reveal the influence of the molecular structure on the ICT state: ICT state with perpendicularly twisted amino and benzonitrile moieties (TICT),[26] ICT state with pyramidalized amino group (WICT),[27] ICT state with a rehybridized nonlinear C–CN group (RICT),[28] and planar ICT state (PICT).[29] However, the twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) model is widely accepted.[19–22,30,31] A great majority of theoretical studies indicate that the –NH2 and/or –NO2 group twists as the reaction coordinates along which the ICT reaction occurs.[24,32] Köhn et al. pointed out that the twisting of the dimethylamino group is the dominant reaction coordinate by using correlated CC2 calculations.[24]
The amino anthraquinone derivatives are used as catalytic DNA photonucleases for their special charge and structure character.[5,33–37] 1-aminoanthraquinone (1-NH2-AQ) is the simplest anthraquinone derivative and has two chromophoric groups, namely anthraquinone and the amino groups. The amino (–NH2) group in 1-NH2-AQ is a strong electron donor and induces an ICT property after an excitation. The ICT character with the excitation to the S1 state has been proved by using Shpol’skii matrix fluorescence and fluorescence excitation spectra.[38,39] From CCl4 to more polar solvents, the fluorescence lifetimes of 1-NH2-AQ were determined to be 400 ps ∼2000 ps, and fluorescence quantum yields were measured to be 0.006 ∼ 0.0715 in different solvents by steady absorption and time-resolved spectra.[40,41] It is interesting that no dual fluorescence was observed in various solvents, but the absorption and fluorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yields are strongly correlative to solvent polarity. The phenomenon of no dual fluorescence was also observed in other ICT molecular systems.[17,18,42] Although the ICT character has been observed in several experiments in 1-aminoanthraquinone, its theoretical description and discussion are still absent.
Quantum chemical calculations are important tools for theoretical researches.[43–45] In this paper, the electronically excited states of 1-NH2-AQ are studied theoretically using ab initio methods with focusing on the mechanism for TICT and the following radiationless processes. Optimized geometries of the ground and excited states are calculated and discerned by several methods with different basis sets. The mechanism of TICT is proposed by dipole moments and the conformational relaxation with the twisted angle of the amino group. The energies and potential surface of the excited states involved in radiationless relaxation are described and discussed in detail. The deactivation of the S1 state is deduced to be due to the contribution of both intersystem crossing (ISC) and internal conversion (IC) channels.
All calculations in this work were performed with the Gaussian 09 program.[46] In the gas phase, geometry optimizations at ground state are performed using B3LYP, B3PW91, and MP2 in conjunction with 6-311G and Lanl2dz basis sets, respectively. All optimized geometries were confirmed to be stationary points by vibrational frequencies analysis. The molecular orbitals of 1-NH2-AQ were calculated using the B3LYP with the 6-311G basis set, and the optimization of the first excited singlet state was also performed using the TDDFT/B3LYP method with the 6-311G basis set. In gas and solvents, the energies, oscillator strengths, and dipole moments of the ground and excited states were calculated as the twisted angle of the –NH2 group changes. Energies and oscillator strengths of the ground and excited states were obtained under the optimized S1 structure in order to explain the radiationless relaxation. Thus, the effect of the bulk solvent dielectric on the ground-state geometry and on the excited-state vertical energy were modeled by performing self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) calculations using the polarizable continuum model (PCM) with the integral equation formalism.
The energies and dipole moments of the ground state in the gas phase are calculated by several methods with different basis sets and listed in Table
![]() | Table 1. Values of energy (in unit a.u., the unit a.u. is short for atomic unit) and dipole moment (D) of the ground state in the gas phase, calculated by several methods with different basis sets. . |
The vertical excitation energies, oscillator strengths, orbital transition coefficients, and the percentages of the transition orbits of the singlet excited states in a planar form in the gas phase are calculated by using several methods with different basis sets, and the results are listed in Table
![]() | Table 2. Values of vertical excitation energy (in unit eV), oscillator strength (f), orbital transition coefficient (k), and the percentage of the transition orbits (%) of 1-NH2-AQ for optimized geometry of the S0 state in the gas phase, calculated using the TDDFT method with different basis sets. . |
Optimized structures of the ground and first excited singlet states of 1-NH2-AQ in the gas phase are shown in Figs.
Yoshihara et al. pointed out that the absorption and fluorescence spectra are dependent on strong solvent polarity.[40,41] The calculated steady absorption spectra of 1-NH2-AQ in three solvents with different polarities at the B3LYP/6-311G level are depicted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Absorption spectra of 1-NH2-AQ, calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G level in gas, cyclohexane, dioxane, and ethanol. |
![]() | Table 3. Values of dipole moment μ (D) of the S0 and S1 states, oscillator strength f of S1 state of 1-NH2-AQ for different values of twisted angle (°) in gas, cyclohexane, dioxane, and ethanol using (TD)DFT/B3LYP/6-311G. . |
As mentioned above, the conformation of 1-NH2-AQ maintains a coplanar structure in the Franck–Condon region after excitation and relaxes to a twisted structure on the potential surface of the S1 state. The parameters including the dipole moments of the S0 and S1 states and the oscillator strengths of the S1 state as a function of twisted angle between the amino and anthraquinone group for the gas and three solvents are calculated using the B3LYP method with the 6-311G basis set, and the results are listed in Table
![]() | Table 4. Energies (in unit eV) of S0 state, and vertical excitation energies (in unit eV) of T2 and S1 states of 1-NH2-AQ for different values of twisted angle (in unit degree) in different solvents using B3LYP/6-311G. . |
In the gas phase, the energies of the S0 and T2 states increase as the twisted angle increases, whereas the energies of the S1 and T1 states decrease. At the B3LYP/6-311G level, the energy gap between the S1 and S0 states in the Franck-Condon region is 2.6757 eV, and the energy gap between both states is only 0.6049 eV for the optimized geometry of the S1 state. It shows that the energy gap decreases from 2.6757 eV to 0.6049 eV along the twisting conformation relaxation coordinate. The obviously decreasing trend of the energy gap is benefitial to an ultrafast IC process from the S1 state to the S0 state. Srivatsavoy et al. also pointed out that the S1 state is mainly deactivated through IC to the ground state experimentally.[40] The ISC process was presented by the energy inversion between the S1 and T2 states nearby the twisted angle of 40° along the twisting relaxation.[48] For different twisted angles, the energies of the S0 state, and vertical excitation energies of the T2 and S1 states of 1-NH2-AQ are listed in Table
There are energy intersections between the T2 and S1 states in cyclohexane and dioxane solvents but in the ethanol solvent, which is easily shown in Fig.
The energies of the S1 state at different twisted angles in three solvents are shown in Fig.
The twisted intramolecular charge transfer and following radiationless dynamics of the excited states of 1-NH2-AQ in different solvents have been investigated using ab initio calculations. The optimized structure of the ground state is confirmed to be a planar conformation, whereas the structure of the S1 state is a twisted conformation with perpendicular amino group to the anthraquinone plane. The difference in dipole moment between the S0 and S1 states manifests a charge transfer process in the molecule upon excitation. Furthermore, it is elucidated that the dipole moment in the S1 state increases with the twisted angle of –NH2 increasing, i.e., the TICT is associated with the conformational relaxation on the potential surface of the S1 state. Quantum chemical calculations indicate that the IC and ISC process via the twisting of the amino group, and the two relaxation processes, have been established and are responsible for the ultrafast deactivation of the S1 state. The rate constants of IC and ISC processes relate to the solvent polarity, and the TICT time is predicted to be positively dependent on solvent viscosity.
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